Kuu Kaulia
Native Hawaiian people
“Ho’oponopono, make things right, in order to Aloha Kekahi I Kekahi, to have a human love for one another.”
Dwayne P. Ku’ualohanui Kauli’a is a Christian, a Hawaiian national, a speaker of his mother tongue, a practitioner of his culture and an educator. His cultural accomplishments include his achieved title as Kumu Hula (instructor of Traditional Hawaiian Dance) and Haku Ho’oponopono (facilitator & trainer of conflict-resolution mediation). Ho’oponopono is a centuries-old spiritual method of healing; a process utilized to mend broken relationships in order to restore harmony and balance. Ku’u continues to preach the importance of Aloha (unconditional love) through lessons infused with traditional knowledge, just as he was taught by his mentors.